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Kidney Stones Natural Treatment

What are Kidney Stones and how they form?

A small, hard deposit that forms in the kidneys and is often painful when passed through the urinary tract system.

Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis, renal lithiasis) are hard deposits made of salts and minerals that form inside your kidneys.  Kidney stones seen in those patients whose urine contains more crystal-forming substances such as calcium oxalate and uric acid and your urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking each other, creating an ideal environment in your kidneys to form kidney stones.

Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts, calcium oxalates that stick together in concentrated urine.  They can be very painful while passing through the urinary tract.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones
Symptoms include severe pain, usually in the sides of the abdomen that is often associated with nausea, vomiting sensation.  Severe pain will be in the back or side parts of the body, below the ribs.  This pain spreads to the lower abdomen and groin regions.  Pain can be severe, sharp, pinning sensation or sudden in the back or side parts of groin regions.  Severe pain can occur during urination.  You may get pink or red urine.  You may have cloudy or foul-smelling urine.  You will always have persistent urge to urinate but urine will not come out completely while urinating.  You will have the feeling of incomplete voiding.  You will have fever and chills if an infection develops in the urinary tract due to incomplete voiding.

What are the causes for Kidney Stones in our body?
Causes of forming kidney stones are drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning, midday, evening or at bedtime.  When we are drinking the tea there will be tea dust deposits at the bottom of the tea glass.  When this tea dust enters into the kidneys, the kidneys by default will try to filter these tea dust particles and as the time goes on these dust particles stick each other and forms kidney stones in the kidneys.

And the other causes are high-oxalate foods, chocolates, spinach, nuts that are rich in oxalate, colas that are rich in phosphate can contribute to forming kidney stones.

Fast foods, junk foods, high-sodium foods, prepared meals, frozen meals, expired bakery items, frozen meat, packed meat, stored meat, tomato sauce, overdose calcium tablets, excessive vitamin D tablets, antacid tablets causes forming of kidney stones.

Natural home remedies to get rid of Kidney Stones completely.
Once you are confirmed by your registered doctor that you have kidney stones then follow your doctor's recommendations to get rid of kidney stones.

If you are interested in natural home remedies then here is the solution for you to get rid of the kidney stones permanently and completely.

While drinking tea always leave the bottom one-fourth of the tea; don't drink it.  Drink lots of mineral water or bottled water only to help pass the kidney stones (don't drink tap water).  Magnesium rich foods will help in dissolving kidney stones naturally.

My treatment is 1.  Take 2-inch white radish piece, 2.  1-inch sugar cane jaggery piece, 3.  500 mL of mineral water or bottled water.

White radish

Sugar cane jaggery

Take 500 mL of mineral water or bottled water in a pan and put slices of 2-inch white radish in it and put 1-inch sugar cane jaggery in it.  Now, boil the water for 5 minutes in low flame on the stove.  Now, put off the stove and let it cool for 5 minutes.  Now, pour the water from the pan into 200 mL glass and drink it.

Kidney stones melting kashayam (decoction)

Dosage:  Drink 200 mL in the morning on an empty stomach 2 hours after morning tiffin and 200 mL in the afternoon 2 hours after your lunch.  Drink for two days that's it.  Your kidney stones will melt away completely and the pain will disappear.

In case if you have more stones or large stones in your kidneys then give two days gap and then repeat the process again for two days and then give two days gap.   Repeat the process until your kidney stones pain disappears completely.  Usually two to three courses is enough to completely get rid of kidney stones and its pain.

Definitely all the kidney stones will melt away from your kidneys and urinary tract and you will live a healthy and happy life again.

This post is dedicated to save the valuable lives on earth from vanishing due to ignorance and lack of money.
- Plant Healing
