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Irregular Periods Home Remedy

Irregular Periods Home Remedy

What are the reasons for irregular periods?
An irregular menstrual cycle is caused mainly due to hormonal imbalance in the body, job stress, excessive thinking in the background of mind, financial tensions, overweight, sadness.  Generally perimenopause symptoms start from the age 45 and you will have irregular periods at this stage in your life.  It is quite natural and no treatment is required here.  And by the age of 50, ovaries stop producing hormones and the result is menopause.  Periods will completely stop.  After menopause, you should follow up with your gynecologist for regular maintenance pills to avoid hot flashes, weakness, uneasiness etc.

What are the causes of irregular periods?
Eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, birth control pills, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOD, excessive weight gain or weight loss, obesity, job stress, overwhelming jobs, doing two jobs at a time, emotional problems, hormonal problems are the causes for your menstrual cycle to become irregular.

Irregular periods home remedies
If you miss your regular period and you are trying to conceive or trying to get pregnant, then go and consult your gynecologist doctor.  If your lab results come positive for pregnancy then follow your gynecologist's advice.  Don't do any home remedies.  Pregnant woman are strictly prohibited from doing any type of home remedies.  Pregnant woman should follow instructions of their lady gynecologist doctor.

If you are an unmarried woman or completed childbirth and adopted family planning methods and suffering from irregular periods then you can do these simple natural home remedy for regularizing your periods back to normal.

If you don't have your period on the due date then wait for 10 to 15 days, and still you don't have period then follow this simple home remedy for regularizing your periods back to normal.

The strongest reason for irregular period is hormonal imbalance and work stress.  If you question yourself why this hormonal imbalance arises?  The answer is job stress, overwhelming job pressure, doing two jobs at a time, continuous thinking in the background of your mind, financial tensions in your home, depression, overweight, PCOD, birth control pills, constipation, busy life having no time for yourself, continuous watching of sad story serials or tragedy movies.

In all the above cases your mind is seriously disturbed and it causes hormonal imbalance in your body and in turn it causes irregular periods.

Solutions for this are as follows:
1.  If you are suffering from depression or job stress – read this blog "How to cure depression naturally"
2.  If you are suffering from obesity – read this blog "How to cure obesity naturally"
3.  If you are suffering from financial problems and stress – read this blog "Money importance in life"
4.  If you are suffering from constipation – then read this blog "Constipation permanent cure"
All the above will help you to get out of hormonal imbalance in your body.

Now, it's time for home remedy for irregular periods:
This kashayam (water decoction) will help to trigger and start your menstrual cycle naturally.  Take 1-inch piece of sugarcane jaggery and 2-inch piece of bitter melon (karela/kakarakaya).  Take a glass (200 mL glass) of drinking water in a cooking pan.  Mix sugarcane jaggery and small slices of bitter melon into the cooking pan and boil it for 3 minutes.  And let it cool for 5 minutes and then take that water into a glass and drink it.  Drink it on an empty stomach one glass 2 hours after your tiffin daily for one week.  This bitter melon kashayam (decoction) will act as menstrual cycle starter and triggers your menstrual cycle naturally.  Drinking ginger tea will also trigger your menstrual cycle naturally.

Bitter melon kashayam (water decoction)

Once your menstrual cycle starts, then after fourth day prepare this guava leaves kashayam (water decoction).

This guava leaves kashayam (water decoction) will help in stopping your menstrual cycle naturally. Take 1-inch piece of sugarcane jaggery and 2 fresh leaves of guava tree.  Take a glass (200 mL glass) of drinking water in a cooking pan.  Mix sugarcane jaggery and cut small pieces of 2 fresh leaves into the cooking pan and boil it for 3 minutes.  And let it cool for 5 minutes and then take that water into a glass and drink it.  Drink it on an empty stomach 2 hours after your tiffin one glass a day for two to three days as required. Once menstrual cycle stops, then stop drinking this. This drink tastes you just like a green tea.  This guava leaves kashayam (decoction) will act as menstrual cycle stopper and will also balance and normalize your hormone levels.

Guava tree leaves kashayam (water decoction)

The main reason for hormonal imbalance is work stress and work pressure.  Try to avoid work stress and you won't have any hormonal problems.

For maintaining hormonal balance and healthy lifestyle.
1.  Once a week add bitter melon in your diet in the form of bitter melon curry/fry or you can take bitter melon fry (karela or kakarakaya vepudu) daily as a touching snack in the sambar or other curry rice.
2.  Every Sunday morning on an empty stomach at around 10:20 (2 hours after your breakfast 8:00 to 8:30 ) drink one glass (200 mL glass) of two guava leaves kashayam (water decoction).  Same preparation method as told above.
3.  Every Sunday evening on an empty stomach at around 5:20 (at your snack time) drink one glass (200 mL glass) of two raavi aaku water decoction (kashayam) and after 5 minutes eat your snack.  Same preparation method as told above.

Raavi aaku water decoction (kashayam)

Slowly and naturally your hormones will normalize and you will once again have normal, regular periods.  But, this is a very slow process and it will take some time to see changes without any  side effects.  In this way, by using Guava leaves kashayam (water decoction) and bitter melon kashayam (water decoction) your hormonal imbalance problem will be treated in a more natural way and your irregular periods problem will go away completely.

Your hormonal imbalance problem will go away naturally and you will live a happy life again.

Once again, your smile, your confidence will come back on your face and you will not have any irregular periods or hormonal imbalance in your life.
- Plant Healing
