Dry Skin on Legs and Hands
What is Dry Skin?
Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition mainly occurs due to dehydration of skin. Visibly you will see rough, scaling, itching, and cracking of skin. As skin dryness becomes more severe, cracks and fissures may develop and causes severe scaling, itching, and cracking of skin. It is very uncomfortable and annoying.
Due to this dry skin you were unable
to wear your favorite clothes. Due to this
dry skin you were unable to attend parties or meetings. Due to this dry skin your life becomes horrible
and intolerable. Due to this dry skin you
will go into depression and lose interest in life. Due to this dry skin you will always feel sad
and lazy. Due to this dry skin you will not
be able to do any job in the society and thus you will suffer from financial crisis. Due to this dry skin your will lose your friends
and you will feel lonely and depressed.
The word dry skin is a simple thing,
but its effects are horrible and it costs you heavy. You will lose everything in your life and will
ultimately remain lonely, sad, and depressed.
So, dry skin is not a silly thing or simple thing to ignore. This simple dry skin will make your life horrible.
This dry skin is more visible especially
in winter season and in summer season the dry skin will automatically calms down. But, some people will suffer with dry skin throughout
the year. This is something that we need
to fix it and get out of it. Otherwise, we
will lose everything in our life.
Don't worry, I am here. I will help you in getting out of the dry skin
permanently with just simple home remedies.
I will give you some home remedies for itchy skin and also home remedies
for itching rashes and also home remedies for itchy hands and feet. Follow the home remedies for dry skin and diet
tips for dry skin that I will reveal and your dry skin will be fixed permanently.
To get out of dry skin on legs and hands
you have to make some simple lifestyle changes in your life. Otherwise, this dry skin natural treatment won't
be effective. I will give you dry skin home
remedies and dry skin natural remedies that you can try to get out of dry skin naturally
without any drugs.
If you use skin creams or moisturizers
for dry skin treatment and remedies for itchy skin allover, the result will only
be temporary. It will just keep the skin
cool or moisturize as long as the cream is on your skin, but once the cream is washed
out you will again start to feel severe dry skin and itching allover. These creams are not the solution for dry skin
permanent cure. These creams only suppress
the dry skin condition for some time and won't fix it or heal it. You want something to heal from inside of your
body, so that you can get rid of dry and damaged skin naturally and permanently
without any drugs.
Why are the causes of
Dry Skin?
Common causes observed for dry skin
are winter season, some medications side effects, some drug allergies, cold weather,
pollution, some chemicals polluting the air, some industrial pollution in the air,
some impure water coming from taps, some viruses spreading through air and water,
some harsh soaps, alcohol drinking, caffeine products, tobacco, fast foods, swimming
in some pools, some farming, dehydration, inadequate water drinking, viruses spreading
from mosquito bites, insect bites.
Many of the farmers are suffering from
dry skin especially due to lack of drinking water, dehydration, some viruses spreading
from dry grass, some mosquito bites, insect bites, lack of nutritional food to eat,
poor food habits, cold weather.
Many of the urban people are suffering
from dry skin especially due to lack of sleep, poor food choices, excessive fast
food eating, cosmetic side effects, medication side effects, drugs side effects,
dehydration, some harsh soaps and skin creams damaging skin layer, some viral diseases,
mosquito bites, insect bites, alcohol drinking, caffeine products, pops, colas,
tobacco products, cold weather, depression, exhaustion, overwhelming on job duties.
How to get out of Dry
Skin Naturally
Don't worry I am here. I will help you in curing your dry skin permanently
and naturally and you will once again live your life happily.
If you are suffering from dry skin due to harsh soaps. Then, immediately avoid such soaps to prevent
further damaging to your skin and causing severe dry skin. The simple remedy to get out of this dry skin
is just go and buy some natural soaps without chemicals like aloe vera soaps or
coconut oil soaps. Apply pure coconut oil
on dry hands and dry legs. This will give
immediate relief from itching skin and dry skin and you will feel soothing effect
and you will feel more comfort and happy.
This will fix your issue and your dry skin will go away.
If you are suffering from dry skin due to dehydration. Then, drink plenty of water, eat watermelon,
eat cucumber,
use humidifier in home. Apply pure coconut
oil on dry hands and dry legs. This will
give immediate relief from itching skin and you will feel soothing effect. Avoid immediately alcohol, pops,
colas, tobacco
products, fast
foods, caffeinated
products. This will fix your issue and
your dry skin will go away.
If you are suffering from dry skin due to winter season. Then, try to wear warm clothes, dark clothes. Clothes must cover full body. Take pure coconut oil and apply on dry hands and
dry legs. This coconut oil will keep your
skin moisture naturally and immediately the itching sensation will go away and you
will feel light and happy.
If you are suffering from dry skin throughout the year then this is something
like a big problem. This means you are suffering
from serious skin disease condition. This
dry skin will not go away with any creams or moisturizers. This is a serious condition that you are suffering
from. Don't worry I will help you in getting
out of this severe condition. You will once
again live a happy and healthy life.
What you need to do is
Buy papaya fruit. You have to eat
this papaya
fruit daily on an empty stomach between 4 to 5 p.m. in the evening. Eat half of the papaya fruit at a time.
Take papaya leaf. Pour 1 liter of
drinking water in a pan and to this add 4-inch piece of papaya
leaf and 1-inch piece of sugarcane
jaggery. Boil it for 5 min on slow flame. After that store this papaya kashayam (papaya
decoction) in a bottle. Now, drink 200 mL
of this papaya kashayam 2 hours after breakfast in the morning. Drink 200 mL of this papaya kashayam 2 hours after lunch in the afternoon. Drink 200 mL
of this papaya kashayam 2 hours after dinner at night. Drink this for two days only. Then stop it.
No more than that. If you want, then
repeat it after 15 days.
Papaya Leaf
Sugarcane Jaggery
Leaf Kashayam (papaya decoction)
Keep shut your doors and windows with mosquito mesh. Kill all the mosquitoes in your home using mosquito
bat. At any cost mosquitoes should not bite
you. Avoid mosquito bites completely. Apply pure coconut oil on dry hands and dry legs. This will give immediate relief from itching skin
and you will feel soothing effect.
That's it. Dry skin will go away once for all from your life. You will be healed from inside and your skin will
glow with moisture from inside. There will
be no dry skin, no itching of hands and legs.
You will once again live a happy and
healthy life.