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Showing posts from June, 2019

Sciatica, Disc Herniation, Spondylolisthesis Treatment

Lumbar disc herniation, sciatica, L4-L5 or L5-S1 spondylolisthesis treatment without surgery Dear reader, I hope I am going to heal your sciatica, lumbar disc herniation, acute lumbar pain, low back pain, radiculopathy, L3-L4 degenerative spondylolisthesis, L4-L5 or L5-S1 spondylolisthesis (lower back pain), cervical disc herniation (neck pain).  Whatever name given to your spine disease, it will be healed naturally without any medication.  Here are the grading of spondylolisthesis (spondylolisthesis classification).  It is divided according to the severity of disease. Grade 1 means 25% of vertebral body (vertebrae) has slipped forward Grade 2 means 50% of vertebral body has slipped forward Grade 3 means 75% of vertebral body has slipped forward Grade 4 means 100% of vertebral body has slipped forward Grade 5 means vertebral body completely fallen off (spondylolisthesis) Just read it carefully and understand what I am saying.  Any spine problem, pain, sciatica, or disea

Irregular Periods Home Remedy

Irregular Periods Home Remedy What are the reasons for irregular periods? An irregular menstrual cycle is caused mainly due to hormonal imbalance in the body, job stress, excessive thinking in the background of mind, financial tensions, overweight, sadness.   Generally perimenopause symptoms start from the age 45 and you will have irregular periods at this stage in your life.   It is quite natural and no treatment is required here.   And by the age of 50, ovaries stop producing hormones and the result is menopause.   Periods will completely stop.   After menopause, you should follow up with your gynecologist for regular maintenance pills to avoid hot flashes, weakness, uneasiness etc. What are the causes of irregular periods? Eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, birth control pills, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOD, excessive weight gain or weight loss, obesity, job stress, overwhelming jobs, doing two jobs at a time, emotional problems, hormonal problems

Frozen Neck and Shoulder immediate relief

Frozen neck and shoulder immediate relief Sprained and Frozen Neck and Shoulder Sometimes when you wake up from bed in the early morning you will notice sudden sprain in the neck and shoulder area.  You cannot even turn your head.  It is very painful to move the head.  Some says due to wrong sleeping posture you will get your neck sprained.  It's okay whatever be the reason, but what to do now is the question here.  We have to attend office and go on with our regular job duties, but with this severe frozen neck and shoulder pain you cannot even brush your teeth properly.  Then where is the question of going to job duties.  At this moment, we think that if something wonder may happen and our pain in the neck vanish.  But, in the practical world no wonders will happen.  We have to do something by ourselves to get rid of this annoying neck and shoulder stiffness and pain.  I will tell you simple home remedy to get rid of this pain naturally and immediately within 1 or 2 hours.

Skin Tags Natural Treatment

Skin tag removal using apple cider vinegar What are skin tags? A skin tag is a small growth on your skin.   It protrudes on your skin.   It grows very, very slowly.   It takes years to grow larger.   Skin tags are not dangerous.   Skin tags are harmless and painless.   Skin tags won't go away on their own.   We have to do something to make the skin tags go away. Symptoms of skin tags Symptoms include growth on the skin, which looks ugly on your skin.   You will get emotionally disturbed with these skin tags.   You will feel uncomfortable to go out and meet with people due to skin tags.   Your self-confidence is hurt by these skin tags .   These skin tags can occur anywhere on your body such as on the neck, eyelids, around eyes, upper chest, underarms, on the face, hand, legs. What are the causes of skin tags? Eating old stock fast-food, which has meat in it can cause skin tags, eating old stock bread can cause skin tags, if the animal has skin tags and yo

How to Cure Depression Naturally

Depression natural treatment plan What is Depression? A disturbed state of mind is called depression.   When your mind is disturbed badly then you will have a severe depression attack.   You will lose interest in activities and interest in living. Symptoms of Depression Symptoms include loss of appetite, low energy level, poor concentration, unwillingness to participate in any programs, unwillingness to meet and talk with people, wants to sit lonely all the time, lack of interest in doing job, lack of interest in studying, feeling of no future, always mourning, always thinking of the same incident, stuck in the past, spending time in dark rooms. What are the causes of Depression? The causes of depression are that there is a clash between our brain and our soul (mind).   I will tell you what is Brain and what is Soul. About Brain:   From birth on what we see and what we hear are all recorded in our brain as memories.   These memories are the identity of what y

Kidney Stones Natural Treatment

What are Kidney Stones and how they form? A small, hard deposit that forms in the kidneys and is often painful when passed through the urinary tract system. Kidney stones (nephrolithiasis, renal lithiasis) are hard deposits made of salts and minerals that form inside your kidneys.  Kidney stones seen in those patients whose urine contains more crystal-forming substances such as calcium oxalate and uric acid and your urine may lack substances that prevent crystals from sticking each other, creating an ideal environment in your kidneys to form kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and acid salts, calcium oxalates that stick together in concentrated urine.  They can be very painful while passing through the urinary tract. Symptoms of Kidney Stones Symptoms include severe pain, usually in the sides of the abdomen that is often associated with nausea, vomiting sensation.  Severe pain will be in the back or side parts of the body, below the ribs.  Th

Money importance in life

How to spend money Let's see what is the importance of money in our lives and how we can achieve happiness from the money -- Plant Healing Money is the cause as well as the natural treatment for all your worries, tensions, depression in your life.    So, now the question is how to live happily? Let's see what is the importance money and how we can achieve happiness from the money. In this world, we have created money by ourselves for easy transaction of services between each other. We want money to live, to eat, to wear clothes, to sleep at home, to entertain ourselves, to travel, to communicate, to educate ourselves, to gain knowledge, for everything we need money.   Without money, we cannot live on this earth. So, everywhere and everything is made up of money. To earn money we need to do some service (let it be any form) and in turn we get money.   So, money is nothing but our service that we have offered to others (let it be physical strain or sug

Asthma Permanent Cure

Asthma Permanent Cure Here are the natural ways and Lifestyle changes that you need to adopt to get rid of asthma permanently from your life. If you are suffering from acute asthma attack then you will notice that you are unable to breath in air.   The air flowing tract constricts during the asthma attack and you will hear louder wheezing sound from your mouth.   There is no asthma test to confirm that you got asthma attack.   The   symptoms like unable to breath and louder wheezing sound from your mouth is called acute asthma attack. There will be no separate such things like adult asthma or child asthma.   Asthma attack is same for all.   Acute exacerbation of asthma,   acute severe asthma are the caused only by the cool breeze in the air while sleeping. You need not worry about asthma diagnosis and treatment.   I have mentioned below in detail as to why we get acute asthma attack, what is cause of asthma, how to protect ourselves from asthma, how to get rid of as

Dry Skin on Legs and Hands

Dry Skin on Legs and Hands What is Dry Skin? Dry skin is an uncomfortable condition mainly occurs due to dehydration of skin.  Visibly you will see rough, scaling, itching, and cracking of skin.  As skin dryness becomes more severe, cracks and fissures may develop and causes severe scaling, itching, and cracking of skin.  It is very uncomfortable and annoying. Due to this dry skin you were unable to wear your favorite clothes.  Due to this dry skin you were unable to attend parties or meetings.  Due to this dry skin your life becomes horrible and intolerable.  Due to this dry skin you will go into depression and lose interest in life.  Due to this dry skin you will always feel sad and lazy.  Due to this dry skin you will not be able to do any job in the society and thus you will suffer from financial crisis.  Due to this dry skin your will lose your friends and you will feel lonely and depressed. The word dry skin is a simple thing, but its effects are horrible and it costs