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Constipation Permanent Cure

Constipation Permanent Cure

Are you suffering from constipation your entire life.  Here are the simple techniques and natural ways to get rid of constipation permanently, naturally without any medications.

What is Constipation: Constipation is a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels usually associated with hardened feces, disturbed mindset, happy mood, angry mindset.

Signs and Symptoms:  First of all we have to know that the constipation is not a disease, so there is no question of treatment here.  Treatment is given only for disease.  No disease no treatment.  If someone is suffering from constipation then his mind's thinking power will be slowed down; his or her day runs very slowly and lazy; there will be no interest in going out for parties, outing; life becomes dull and uninteresting; keeps all the work pending, pending, pending; life becomes burden and unhappy every moment.  Constipation headache is the immediate symptom that spoils your daily routine.

If you want to live a healthy and happy life and enjoy the life to its full extent then you much overcome form this constipation problem or at least know the tips and tricks to escape from the constipation.  If you escape from the constipation then you will see a whole new world in front of you, a beautiful and happy world.

So, I will help you all and reveal you the tips and tricks to escape from constipation problem and live a healthy and happy life, which you all deserve it.  You all are born to enjoy the life at its fullest.  So, try to understand the tips and tricks that I have explained below about constipation and adopt it and live a happy and beautiful life.

Actually what is happening in the large intestine let's see:  Large intestine is where our fecal waste matter accumulates and we have to evacuate it out in a timely manner.  Otherwise, we will suffer from constipation.  The accumulated fecal in the large intestine is wet and has some water mixed with it.  When we postpone our evacuation of feces, then the large intestine starts to absorb slowly all the water from the feces, thus making the feces dry and hard in the large intestine.  Once the feces become dry and hard, then the feces will stuck in the large intestine and it becomes very hard for us to evacuate the hardened feces out.  The reason is simple, the water which is acting as a lubricant for the feces is all soaked up by the large intestine.  So, the more we postpone our fecal evacuation, the more the stool becomes hard, the more constipation problem arises.

Causes of Constipation:  These are the causes of chronic constipation in adults.  Postponing fecal evacuation, lack of physical exercise daily, drinking less water, drinking cool fridge water, eating non-veg, eating rich protein foods, taking painkillers, taking calcium channel blockers, antacids, opioids, taking iron supplements, depression, overthinking, racing of thoughts, meditation, always pretending to be in happy mood, always trying to be in calm state, always feeling happy, mind is engaged in some busywork, always thinking of future, sadness, angry, eating fast foods more, always joking, sedentary lifestyle, doing sitting job, inactive lifestyle, eating late at night, irregular eating habits, eating curd food at nighttime, etc.

If you have a question like what to eat when you are suffering from constipation then don't bother on what to eat when constipated but rather think what not to eat.  Just avoid non-veg and excess protein foods.

Actual facts:  These all business people are making huge money from selling their products by saying that their products will cure your constipation.  They are trying to picture it as a disease and they are offering their products as a cure for constipation.  Actual fact is constipation is not a disease, so there is no question of curing it.  Where there is no disease at all then where is the question of curing it.  Don't depend upon natural laxatives. Think wisely.  I am telling to You, Think Wisely.

Prevention/Remedies:  Now it comes the important segment of our topic, which all of you are eagerly waiting for a Big Solution for this constipation problem.  Okay, okay I will help you.  Just go up once and again read the causes of constipation para carefully.  If we understand what are the causes of constipation then automatically we understand how to avoid constipation just by avoiding those causes in our daily life.  It is that simple, isn't it?

I don't suggest you any foods for constipation but I will tell you the simple and smart technique to get rid of constipation. I will give you some tips.  Do them; you will never face this constipation problem in your life.

First Method:  First, always try to evacuate your feces first thing in the morning daily, no postponing.  Let's say you want to wake up 5:00 a.m. in the morning.  Then, what you have to do is just simple wake up at 4:30 a.m. and sleep on the same bed in prone position as shown below and just relax all your body parts.

After the alarm clock strikes 5:00 a.m. then just turn around and relax on the same bed in the supine position as shown below and just relax all your body parts for 5 minutes.

Now, wake up and go to the bathroom.  You will feel the the urge to evacuate the feces, then just go on, don't postpone.
If you don't feel any urge, then pee and brush your teeth.  After brushing, drink two glasses of clean water in a standing position.  Don't touch the fridge water.  Just drink normal water.  Go to the bathroom area, untie your clothing around stomach area (this is very, very important), just do some walking, within in 10 to 15 minutes you will start to feel a strong urge, then go ahead and proceed with evacuating your feces.

Second Method:  If you have any obesity problem or problems with stomach.  Then I will give you a simple method.
When you wake up in the morning you have to just sit on your bed for 30 minutes.  Just sit on your bed calmly with your legs open.  During this 30 minutes, just slowly rub your left leg like doing massage to your left leg.  That's it.  And after 30 minutes go to the bathroom and you will have the urge to evacuate the feces.
When you wake up in the morning just go right away and pee.  Then, come back and just sit on your bed calmly with your legs open.  During this 30 minutes, just slowly rub your left leg like doing massage to your left leg.  That's it.  And after 30 minutes go to the bathroom and you will have the urge to evacuate the feces.

I wish you happy and healthy life.  Your constipation is gone.  Try this and you will never face any problem of constipation in your life again.
- Plant Healing
