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Diabetes Mellitus Permanent Cure

Diabetes Mellitus Permanent Cure

What is Diabetes Mellitus?
When blood sugar level increases above normal range and causes side effects to various organs in your body then you are suffering from diabetes mellitus.

Types of Diabetes:
Types of diabetes that are generally seen are:
1.  Type 1 diabetes.  Diabetes mellitus type 1 commonly seen in children.  This is a chronic condition in which the pancreas fails to produce insulin or produce a little insulin causing diabetes type 1.
2.  Type 2 diabetes.  Diabetes mellitus type 2 commonly seen in adults.  This is seen in adults mostly due to sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, excessive carbohydrate intake, excessive colas drinking.  What we are seeing nowadays is that the entire world is suffering from diabetes mellitus type 2.  With  proper eating habits, proper lifestyle changes, and daily exercises we can easily get out of diabetes mellitus type 2 permanently.
3.  Diabetes insipidus.  When diabetes patient is getting dehydrated due to excessive urination then it is called diabetes insipidus.  To get out of this you have to treat urinary tract infection and also hydrate yourself with drinking more water and natural fruit juices.
4.  Prediabetes.  This is a condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.  This prediabetes is a warning zone and soon you are going to be a full-blown diabetic.  With proper lifestyle changes and proper diet plan and exercises you can avoid going to diabetes.
5.  Gestational diabetes.  This gestational diabetes occurs specifically during pregnancy.  You will have high blood sugar levels affecting pregnancy.  With the help of your OB/GYN doctor you can control this diabetes and you will become normal once the pregnancy is completed.
6.  Steroid medicines induced diabetes.  Steroids are given by doctors to treat patients suffering from asthma, respiratory problems, COPD, lung diseases, etc.  The side effect due to use of steroids is diabetes.  If you slowly reduce the dose of steroids and completely avoid steroids then automatically your diabetes will go away and you will become normal.

Laboratory Tests that are done to confirm diabetes:
Urine Test:
1.  Proteinuria.  Urinalysis show excess loss protein through urine and this is called proteinuria.  It indicates that the function of your kidneys are not good due to diabetes.  So, what you have to do is control your diabetes then automatically your kidneys start functioning normally and your proteinuria problem will be solved.
Values range like - negative, trace, 1+, 2+, 3+(high level)
2.  Glucosuria.  Glucosuria means you are spilling excess glucose through urine and it indicates that blood glucose levels are very high in your blood stream and your pancreas is not producing enough insulin.  If you control the blood sugar levels then glucosuria will automatically go away.
Values range like 70 - 140 mg/dL (normal range), greater than 180 mg/dL (high level)
3.  Creatinine.  If creatinine level is high means you are suffering from dehydration and kidneys are not functioning well due to diabetes.  If you control blood sugar levels then creatinine  will automatically normalize.
Values range like 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dL (normal range), greater than 1.2 (high level) means kidney not functioning well due to dehydration

Blood Test:
Hemoglobin A1c level (HbA1c) is between 4% and 5.6% (normal)
Hemoglobin A1c level (HbA1c) is between 5.7% and 6.4% (prediabetes)
Hemoglobin A1c level (HbA1c) is 6.5% or higher (diabetes)

Fasting blood sugar levels:
Less than 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) (normal range.)
Between 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L) (prediabetes range).
Above 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher (diabetes range).

Postprandial glucose levels after 1 to 2 hours:
Between 130 to 180 (normal range)
Between 181 to 250 (diabetes range) (but you don't have symptoms of diabetes)
Above 250 diabetes (full blown diabetes) (you will have symptoms of diabetes)

You are not considered as diabetic patient with just one positive lab test.  You have to get continuously positive lab test for diabetes for three or four times in two to three months then only you are confirmed as a diabetic patient.

Symptoms seen in patients with Diabetes are:
1.  Diabetic patients feel excessive hunger and thirst throughout the day.
2.  Diabetic patients will have frequent urination (either due to urinary tract infections or kidney disease).  Thus, causing dehydration to diabetic patient due to excessive loss of fluids from the body in the form of excess urine passage.
3.  Diabetic patients suffer from nephropathy causing leaky protein into your urine and it is also called as proteinuria.
4.  Sudden weight loss or weight gain seen in diabetic patients.
5.  Diabetic patients always feel fatigue and irritable due to symptoms and side effects of diabetes.
6.  Diabetic patients sometimes suffer from blurred vision and blindness due to diabetic retinopathy causing damage to retina of the eye due to poor control of diabetes.
7.  Diabetic patients suffer from slow-healing wounds causing septic conditions and resulting in amputation of the limb in severely septic conditions.
8.  Diabetic patients suffer from severe erectile dysfunction.

Insulin role in Diabetes control:
Insulin is a peptide hormone.  Beta cells in pancreas produce insulin.  Insulin works as a postman.  Insulin regulates how the body uses and stores fat and glucose.

All the body cells depend on insulin to take glucose from the blood stream in the arteries for energy.  Insulin works as a postman and its duty is to deliver glucose from blood stream to body cells for energy.  Body cells will eat glucose, insulin, oxygen and thus survive.  If no insulin then no glucose is delivered to body cells.  Thus, body cells becomes weak due to lack of glucose and this is called the patient is suffering from diabetes.

Causes for Diabetes:
1.  Type 1 diabetes mellitus occurs when your immune system, the body's defense system for fighting infections, attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas.  Type 1 diabetes is caused by congenital defects, environmental factors such as viruses that might trigger the disease.  This is most commonly seen in children.

2.  Type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs due to;
1.  Poor lifestyle habits, no exercise in your daily routine, sedentary job duties, poor food choices, poor eating habits.
2.  Tap water is the main culprit for diabetes.  Eating rice food, wheat foods, eating sugar don't cause any diabetes.  This tap water sometimes gets polluted in the pipe line and thus viruses, bacteria, microbes, fungus mix-up with the tap water and if we use this polluted tap water for drinking or cooking food or tea or anything then it enters into our body and causes diabetes.
Immune system in our body releases hormones to kill microbes, viruses, bacteria, fungus, or pesticides that entered into our body through tap water or pop drinks (contains pesticides), but these hormones also at the same time attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas due to microbes and pesticides that are hiding in the pancreas.  Thus, resulting in less production of insulin by pancreas and causing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels in blood stream).
3.  Medication side effects like steroids will cause hyperglycemia.  So, stop steroids or reduce dose of steroids slowly then diabetes will go away automatically.
4.  Obesity causes diabetes.  If you reduce your body weight then diabetes will go away automatically.
5.  Excessive stressful life causes diabetes.  So, live happily then diabetes will go away automatically.
6.  Excessive drinking of pops and colas [that contains pesticides, high pH value like 3.5 acidic (normal pH value is 7)] like Pepsi, coca cola, maaza, Frooti, Thums Up (these all contain pesticides as preservative to prevent the drink from getting rotten and are highly acidic in nature), energy drinks (contains pesticides as preservative and are highly acidic in nature), alcohol (made by fermentation).  If you drink them once daily no problem, but if you drink them continuously throughout the day and daily then you will definitely get diabetes soon.
7.  Fast foods like pizza, burger (old stock bread easily develops microbes and fungus), bread products (old stock bread easily develops microbes and fungus), packaged foods (contains pesticides as preservative to prevent the food from getting rotten), frozen meat products (easily develops microbes in old stock and contains pesticides as preservative to prevent the meat from getting rotten).  So, if you eat them rarely and fresh stock then there is no problem.  By chance if that is an old stock item and it has already rotten from inside then your chances of getting diabetes are higher.  If you are eating junk foods daily and depended upon packed foods for your living then definitely you will become a diabetic patient very, very soon.

Plant Healing diet plan to get out of diabetes permanently from your life:
1.  Strictly avoid drinking tap water or in any form going into your stomach.  Drink only 20 Liter can water for your cooking needs and also drinking purposes.  Don't compromise at all.

2.  Take obesity treatment with the help of weight loss diet plan.  If you lose your excess body weight then your diabetes will go away automatically.  (Check my blog on how to cure obesity naturally).
3.  Avoid stressful life and live a happy life.  If stress goes away then your diabetes will go away automatically.  (Check my blog on how to cure depression naturally)
4.  Avoid pop drinks (that contains pesticides and high pH), energy drinks (that contains pesticides, highly acidic), alcohol (made by fermentation), packed foods (that contains pesticides), frozen meat products (easily develops microbes in it and contains pesticides also), fast foods (contains pesticides and sometimes you will see fungus in old stock items), bread products (easily develops microbes, fungus on old stock) completely from your life.  Once your diabetes is cured completely then you can eat junk foods or drink colas in moderation but not too much.

What you need to eat and what Lifestyle Changes to adopt to cure Diabetes completely:
1.  Eat healthy and home cooked foods only like wheat, rice, millets, fresh vegetables, and fresh meat.  Use only 20 L can water for drinking and cooking purposes.
2.  Drink kashayam (decoction) as told below to heal pancreas like;
   a)  Drink jama aaku kashayam (guava leaves decoction) one glass a day for the first two days on an empty stomach 2 hours after your breakfast.

   b)  Drink raavi aaku kashayam (peepal leaves decoction) one glass a day third and fourth day on an empty stomach 2 hours after your breakfast.

   c)  Drink neredu aaku kashayam (jamun leaves decoction) one glass a day fifth and sixth day on an empty stomach 2 hours after your breakfast.

Give rest on 7th day (Sunday) and then repeat the cycle.  Drink these three kashayams (decoctions) for one month to cure your pancreas.  That's it.
3.  Fruits to eat.
Daily eat two to three jamakaya (guava fruit) at any time you wish.

Eat hand full of neredu pandu (jamun fruit) at any time you wish.

Daily eat natural papaya half fruit at a time at around 4 to 5 p.m. in the evening snack time.

4.  Eat daily kakarakaya vepudu (bitter gourd fry) along with your food as snacks.  Include this kakarakaya vepudu in your daily routine.  This will slowly heal your diabetes naturally.

5.  Daily do exercises compulsory like jogging (first preference) or Zumba (second preference) or aerobics (third preference) in the early morning.  These exercises will help you heal your pancreas quickly and cures diabetes permanently.

You will experience tremendous change in your life and very fast healing of diabetes type 2 with the above plant healing diet plan.  All these collectively will cure your diabetes permanently and naturally.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 will not go away with just one or two methods.  Implement all the above plant healing diet plan collectively along with your regular medications and periodically check your blood sugar levels and take medications accordingly.

Soon within weeks-to-months your diabetes will go away naturally and permanently from your life and you will once again live a healthy and happy life.  No diabetes anymore in your life.  You can now eat whatever you like, but eat sparingly and not too much.
